Talmage had a great week at school last week. By seven year old standards....it doesn't get much better than this.
He was chosen as the V.I.P. for his class. Being the V.I.P. for Mrs. Tidwell's class entails:
1. Pinning your lovely, royal blue, V.I.P. badge on every morning.
2. Being the first in line and leading your class out to recess, and into the cafeteria for lunch.
3. Creating a super cool, picture filled, poster of yourself to be displayed throughout the week in your classroom.
4. Inviting your parents (and brother and sister too) to come to school and eat hot lunch with you. Yum!
5. Getting to pick the next V.I.P. person for the next week.As if being chosen to be your class V.I.P. weren't enough, he was also chosen by his principal to receive the "Star Student" recognition.
I packed up old Eric and Maidie and off we went Wednesday morning to see Talmage get his certificate and this blue.....cone......thingy. (A must-have for every child)
He was recognized for his great progress in reading. Nice work Sausage!
Is There a Star Student in the House?
We had a great time trick-or-treating with all of the Riley cousin's this year! Talmage and Eric's candy bags were over-flowing. I was amazed as we went through their candy that neither boy had ANY smarties! How does that happen? As a kid I loathed getting smarties thrown in my pillowcase. Lucky kids, they will never know my pain!
I Love a Parade
Is there anything cuter than a parade of children in their Halloween costumes? This was Talmage's 2nd Halloween parade at Westland Elementary. Talmage was unable to wear his mask to school so I had to channel my inner make-up artist and create a zombie-ish face for him. We did this last year too, he loves it! He practiced getting in character before the parade. He would show me his best "dead person" face and ask if it looked real. I of course would shriek, "Ahhhh!!! Talmage!! Are you alright?!! (Talmage would break out of character at this and giggle) Whew Talmage, I thought you might really be dead!"
Talmage was lucky as Grandma Riley, Grandma Gucci and Granny Great were all able to come and watch him show off his best theatrics!
Eric was batman for his pre-school Halloween parade. He wanted to be a zombie, but I thought being batman would be somewhat tamer in a room full of 3 and 4 year olds. Luckily, he was a good sport for this, but he kept wanting to show me his "zombie" face for his pictures, not a batman super-hero face.