Guitar Hero III

What a phenomenon this has become! I, myself, am hopelessly addicted. I finally managed to beat Raining Blood on Hard, then beat the last boss on my second try. I'm about 85% through Expert now. Sounds fun, right? Tell that to my left wrist, right forearm, and all my fingertips. We'll not even talk about the fact that I see multi-colored notes falling in front of me everytime I close my eyes.

As much as I enjoy playing, it's even more fun to see Talmage rock that guitar. He flew through the game on Easy and is now rocking his way through Medium. We like to play together....Talmage likes to "battle." Imagine Tetris but with a guitar. Each player that successfully strings together a certain series of notes gets to "attack" his opponent with nastiness like broken strings, increased difficulty level, double notes, and the dreaded lefty flip. Our agreement is that if we battle and he chooses Easy, then I get to play on Hard. I typically wax him. However, if he moves up to Medium then I'll go Expert and he annihilates me.

Sherri was also a natural. She played twice on Easy and said something along the lines of, "is this it?" So we bumped her to Medium and she fell right into it. She's the quickest learner ever, but I'm still working on her to develop the same passion for GH3. I'll post some videos of Sausage rocking the mullet soon. And I know you Blisses are players too, so next time we get together we'll have to break it out!

My GH3 profile can be found here.


©2009 The Pearson Family | by TNB