
I love my mom! January 18th she celebrated her 64th birthday. She was at my home a few days before her big day and we were talking about how old she was turning etc. etc., when Eric suddenly turns around in his chair (he was sitting at the counter, we were sitting at the table) and with horror on his face asks my mom, "are you going to be dead?". I asked Eric what he was talking about and he replies, "you know you turn 1, 2, 54...dead". My mom and I got the giggles and so did Eric. I love that my mom has a sense of humor.

There are a lot of reasons I love my mother, and in honor of her not being 54...and dead, I'd like to list a few of them.

1. I love that my mom will try a home-made luge running from off of Maurie and Kyle's deck in the back yard. (See above picture) Try as she may, she just couldn't make that curve, but she kept on trying!
2. I love that everywhere we go together, she inevitably runs into a 1st, 2nd or 3rd cousin. Somehow, this same genetic trait is being passed on to me...go figure!
3. I love that my mom finally found the courage to cut off her "bun" that she wore for more that 30 years, and try a new sassy hair-do.
4. I love the quirky way my mom says the words; pleasure (play-sure), treasure (tray-sure) and measure (may-sure).
5. I love that my mom sometimes wears purple socks with a green shirt, or pink and yellow polka-dot socks with a orange shirt.....ha!
6. I am thankful that my mom is quick to forgive.
7. I love the way my mom loves my kids. I also love that she lives 3 minutes away from me and can Grandma-sit my kids for me!
8. I love that my mom can strike up a conversation with anyone and is a friend to everyone. Even the homeless Good family (their real last name) whom she picked up from the side of the road and took to a shelter, and then invited to our house several times to have dinner and the missionary discussions...another blog post entirely!
9. I love that she supported and loved my dad until he passed away.
10. I love that she demonstrates her testimony of the the gospel through her actions and example.

I love you mom! Thanks for not only birthing and nuturing me, but for loving me unconditionally the past 31 years! I hope you had a great birthday!

©2009 The Pearson Family | by TNB